I just found these on
Order of the Blue GartrAlso,
FFIV-Online Forums had a ton of awesome screenies! All I can say is... Whoa.
And these are the 4 Jobs available at the start which can develop into other jobs it seem. Full scans can be found in here http://www.ffring.com/news/Final-Fan...aa30357c4.html
According to the article, character creation will go much further beyond slapping together race and face. Players will be able to customize a wide range of features, such as hair color & style. Exactly what else will be adjustable is unknown at this time.
There appears to be five selectable races so far, with one picture of a horned creature speculated to be a Gria-esque race. The setup looks similar as well, with male and female Hume, Elvaan and TaruTaru races, but only female Mithra and male Galka. A lot of the characteristics of the races are strikingly similar as well
The Hyuran are said to be the most prolific race of all Eorzea. This is pretty much in line with Vana'diel, as they again appear to take the role of "default race." The article says that they migrated to Eorzea in large number from neighboring islands and continents. They brought with them great technology and innovation that raised the civilization of Eorzea to new heights (quite literally, judging from the trailer). Having immigrated from a variety of lands there is great diversity to be found amongst the Hyuran in terms of language and culture. The two main classifications of Hyuran are "Midlanders" who migrated to lower areas of Eorzea, and the "Highlanders" who migrated into the hills and mountains.
The "Elvaan" of Final Fantasy XIV are called "Elzen." However, the official English spelling is not visible in the pictures. The Elzen are the anscestral race of Eorzea, and have clashed with the Hyuran in the past to defend their homeland. In addition, they are said to possess impeccible hearing, but this could just be a joke. Let us not forget the rumors of Sumo Wrestlers in Final Fantasy XI spread by those clever Japanese players. More information will be avaiable on them soon. The Elzen, that is.
Lalafell are short, munchkin-looking creatures not unlike the TaruTaru of Final Fantasy XI. They are a race of farmers who live mainly near the Southern Sea. They also boast an exceptional degree of intelligence.
The Roegadyn are a muscular race of fishermen that live near the Northern Sea. It appears that some work as hired mercenaries or bodyguards, but others lead a less noble life as pirates. A portion of their explanation is cut off, so I will get into more detail about them upon the magazine's release.
Miqo'te are cat-like people who are again known as fierce hunters. They are mainly separated into "Sunseekers" and "Moonkeepers," the latter of which are nocturnal. Together, the Miqo'te are a minority race in the land of Eorzea. It is rumored that the Miqo'te will be even more cat-like than their Mithran counterparts. More information to come once the full blurb is visible.
Jobs will work on what is called the Armory System. Judging from what we can see, the player can change the growth path of their character by equipping different weapons, and within each path are a set of classes. Again, there may be better details available on Friday, but we can still see a couple of the professions from which we will have to choose.
The path of the Fighter is for those wishing to be adept at wielding great weapons of battle. Classes that represent the way of the Fighter include Fencer and Archer.
The path of the Sorcerer is open to those who possess magical weapons imbued with fantastic power. The picture shows a staff, but it is possible there will be other weapon types available. Classes representative of the way of the Sorcerer include 呪術士 (ju-jutsu-shi), which may be a first for Final Fantasy. The upcoming Four Warriors of Light: Final Fantasy Gaiden on the Nintendo DS will also have a 呪術士 class. It can translate to a couple things, such as witch, shaman or warlock. The second class, 幻術士 (gen-jutsu-shi), literally means Illusionist, but has appeared before as Conjurer in Final Fantasy III, and Caller in Final Fantasy IV.
Now this is interesting. The article says that equipping crafting tools will put you on the path of the Crafter. This would suggest that crafting has been absorbed into the job system itself. No more mid-battle juice? Anyway, by taking a tool, such as a Blacksmith's Hammer, in hand, you are on the path of the Crafter, which contains classes such as Blacksmith and Chef (probably sans hammer).
The path of the Gatherer is activated by equipping harvesting tools. In the example picture, the horned mystery man is holding a hatchet. Classes included under Gatherer are Gardener and Fisherman.
Information gleaned from Japanese sites indicate a developer interview will accompany all these pretty pictures. It is impossible to confirm these bullet points right now, so anything listed here could change. Here are a few of the more interesting things rumored to be in this week's article:
* The difference in ability between races is said to be less severe than that of Final Fantasy XI
* Battles progress in real-time, but are not action-oriented, i.e. There is more to consider during battle that simply targeting the enemy and wailing away on it
* The Armory System allows for job changing anywhere, so inventory space is of great importance. Therefore, ways to change armor quickly and easily are being considered
* Currently investigating whether to allow all skills to be mastered, or have a see-saw style system like crafting in Final Fantasy XI
* "Guild Leave" will be a system of quests that include monster hunting, skilling up and a myriad of other activities. Players will obtain items to allow them to travel instantly to their required destination. There seems to be a lot about this system in the article as well, but we'll save that until it's fully visible.
* There will be weather effects and night/day transitions. One game day is one Earth hour.
* Final Fantasy XIV will be casual enough that even playing one hour a day is sufficient to enjoy the game.
* The game currency will be gil.
Translation by others too
*** RACES ***
Most prolific race in Eorzea. They migrated from nearest islands and continents, taken with them their technology. The Hyurans are split up into two big groups according to their geographic localisation: inhabitants from low-lands and high-lands. Their cultures and languages are numerous.
Boasting the largest population in Eorzea, the Hyur came from neighboring continents and islands in three great migratory waves. With them they brought a sophisticated technology and complex ethos tempered by the breadth of the outside world. They rapidly became a driving force behind cultural progress, and are now widely attributed with spearheading advances in Eorzean culture.
One of the Hyur's strengths is in the staggering variety of languages and social institutions they exhibit. This is said to account for their firm conviction in individual freedoms, though it also results in a relative lack of solidarity and group cohesion.
Two distinct groups now exist among the Hyur - Highlanders, denizens of mountainous areas, and Midlanders, who reside in lower elevations.
This race is native from Eorzea. They clashed with the Hyuran after the latter's massive migration. Their auditory ability is noteworthy. The Elezen are a traditionally nomadic people who in former times claimed sole domination over Eorzea, their presence predating that of other races. Believing this prominence to be ordained by the gods, they came to develop an esteemed sense of honor and pride.
Their characteristically tall, slim physiques and elongated limbs are part of a successful adaptation to the land's various environments. Indeed, it is said that their highly sensitive ears can discern the squeak of of a field mouse at a distance of several malms.
The Elezen perceived the immigration of the Hyur as tantamount to invasion, and as a result the two share a past plagued by warfare. At present, however, they can be seen coexisting peacefully, the exception being the reclusive Duskwight Elezen.
Most live in the northern sea on fishing. Some of them are hired as mercenaries or bodyguards by other races, but the other ones prefer to go towards the sea and choose to become pirates. The Roegadyn are a maritime people whose largest concentrations are found in the northern seas, by way of which they came to Eorzea.
They possess enormous, muscular builds and are known for the cultural emphasis they place on competition and unflinching courage, though tender, introspective individuals can also be found.
Roegadyn in and around the Limsa Lominsa area are typically seamen putting in at port, but many have also settled permanently, becoming mercenaries, bodyguards, or even pirates by trade. Far away, deep in the mountains of Ul'dah, live mountain clans of reclusive Roegadyn known as the Hellsguard, said to have mastered the magical arts.
This race of farmers is above all settled near the southern sea. The Lalafells may appear to be small but their intelligence is superior to the other races. It seems there aren't many women. The Lalafell were originally a group of agriculturalists inhabiting the fertile islands of the south seas. With the introduction of transmarine commerce, they soon found their way to Eorzea via trade routes. They are now one of the more populous races and are well established throughout the region, though they remain averse to cold climates.
The short, rotund build of the Lalafell belie an incredible agility, and their seemingly feeble legs are capable of carrying them long distances over any terrain. Many among them are also known for possessing highly developed and cunning intellects.
The Lalafell place a great deal of significance on familial bonds, but are by no means unfriendly to outsiders. This is evidenced by the fact that they continue to share prosperous relations with all the other races of Eorzea.
This minority race in Eorzea splits up into two big groups: sun seekers and moon guardians. Most of them are dreadful hunters. Men are extremely rare. During the Age of Endless Frost, as the seas turned to ice and passage over them became possible, Eorzea saw an influx of foreign fauna to her shores. This in turn brought the hunting tribes which subsisted upon them, the modern descendants of whom are today known as the Miqo'te.
Since then, the Miqo'te have diverged into two physically distinguishable groups - the diurnal Seekers of the Sun and the nocturnal Keepers of the Moon. Both groups share a superb olfactory sense and powerful leg musculature, results of a long evolution geared toward hunting and predation.
Comparatively few in number, they maintain an insular group mentality, tending to avoid contact with the other races. Many individuals lead isolated lifestyles, even when residing in the more populous cities.
Differences between races is rather minor but differences between genders will be more important.
Character Customization will be more complete: possibility to change face, skin, color of eyes and hair, etc
*** AREAS ***
In the region of Eorzea, there're three big towns: Uldaha in the desert, Gridania in the forest, and Rimsa-Rominsa in the seaside. There're pirates in the latter one. Developers promise to give a story to each inhabitant of these towns. Money is gils.
The Garlean Empire, located somewhere to the east of Eorzea, launched an attack on the city-states of Eorzea using behemoth airships fifteen years prior to the events of the game.
Though the empire easily destroyed the city of Ala Mhigo and razed Eorzea's northern region, it never invaded southern Eorzea for reasons which are as yet unknown. Regardless, the empire's invasion forced the remaining city-states of Eorzea to reconsider their past enmity and form an alliance which would ultimately give rise to the profession of adventurer.
Weather changes.
Day-Night cycle.
1 day Eorzea = 1 hour Earth
Game system is named "Armory System", it depends on character's equipment. To change play style, you need to change equipment parts: this modification is executed in real time.
For example, if you're invited to join a team of warriors to fight the enemies, you only need to wear the corresponding equipment to be ready. Once the party disbanded, you only need to change equipment to come back as a crafter, fisherman, etc.
This freedom will make the solo play easier since a warrior who wants to be cured can change into a healer himself. Thereof the number of inventory's slots is more important than FFXI. The developers thought about an easier way to change equipment.
To get more powerful in each specifications, it is advised to balance out the equipment parts between them. In FFXIV, the equipment's level is essential, even more than the character's level itself. The developers insist once again on the huge freedom of this system wherer change can be made whenever. That's probably why the name of the jobs are more neutral than FFXI. The game's team has deliberately chosen to avoid the usual job class.
*** BATTLE ***
Fights are in real-time although te developers point out they won't be the "action" type.
In FFXIV, fights won't be only target and engage the enemy! You'll need to think to other parameters but no more details yet. (the magical barrier in the trailer?)
The items' resistance will be reduced through their use.
In FFXIV, guilds delivers licences/permits to players. These illustrated (and beautiful?) cards match with the missions the character has to fulfill. The players will be able to share these permits (having the card or not) and even decide on the number of persons who can participate to the mission.
The game will be irrevelant to the level of each players but some permits can't be obtained before a definite level. These tasks would take 30min~ to be fulfilled, even if some of them will be shorter. Of course, you can carry several permits at the same time.
Those missions will have different and various goals: monster hunting, enemies' raid, skill ups... These operations are called "etherites" (?) and will allow you to be instantly teleported to the specified area.
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Guildleves refers to the new adventuring system. For information on specific leves, visit Category:Leves.
Guildleves"Whither doth a man walk if another taketh the road from under his feet?"
- Pandelion Brontard at the 14th Meeting of the Allied Council of Eorzean Nations
"Guildleves are small, rectangular plates made of stained crystal set into a frame of precious metal, each depicting a virtuous deed of one of Eorzea's patron saints, also known as 'guardians.' When issuing tasks or quests, guilds will often provide adventurers with these plates, allowing their bearers 'leave' to take whatever steps necessary to complete the jobs, including entry into normally restricted areas, hunting or harvesting on private lands, the confiscation of goods, even negotiations with those considered enemies of the city-states. Guildleves also grant use of aetheryte portals, ensuring quick travel about the region.
Upon assessing an adventurer's skills, a guildmaster will provide a selection of several different leves, taken from the guild's stock. After weighing risks against rewards, fame against fortune, adventurers may then select the leves that they feel best suit their needs.
Of course, there are no regulations stating that tasks must be completed alone. Adventurers are free to call on their companions to join them, as only one leve is required to take advantage of the benefits and privileges provided to its bearer. By coordinating the leves of multiple party members, adventurers can even plan grand campaigns built around several different quests.
Whether you have an hour or a whole day, are alone or with friends, seeking battle or bounty, guildleves give you the ability to forge your own adventures. The possibilities are endless!"
The guildleves currently consist of valor, diligence, and constancy (See Leves).
On a forgotten page of eternity
There lies a land embraced by mighty gods
Her name...Eorzea.
As fates cross, swords will clash.
Under the eldritch veil of a crimson shadow.
Heroes of the realm, take up your blades!
To answer the call of destiny.
You must join hands...once again.
In the world of Hydaelyn, the region of Eorzea (エオルゼア) denotes the geographical region comprised of the continent of Aldenard and its surrounding islands, as well as the civilization which spawned there.
Calling the area home are several independent city-states, the most notable being Limsa-Lominsa, bustling port and pirate hub; Ul'dah, a desert city rich in mineral wealth; Gridania, nested deep within an ageless wood; and Ishgard, bastion atop the mountains.
Throughout the realm can be found climates both harsh and mild, as diverse as the skies are vast. Bleak, desolate landscapes stretch to uncharted horizons, their uninviting expanses yet to be traversed. Colossal monstrosities stalk the land, as if mountains primeval had somehow stirred and risen. Of all the things Eorzea may be said to be, hospitable is not among them.
In the past, the city-states battled tirelessly, vying for domination and hegemony. Death-mongering beast tribes molested the land unchecked, leaving only destruction in their wake. Unseen enemies lurked beyond the borders, striking at the slightest provocation or show of weakness. The history of Eorzea is a tapestry woven of war and strife, stained with the blood of those gone before, and the tears and ash of fallen endeavor.
And yet the love the gods bear this unforgiving land endures, now as always. What is the allure of this seemingly forsaken place? With what hope and to what end do would-be inhabitants journey here to live out their days?
The answer lies with that which gives form to Hydaelyn and all myriad creation in it--crystals. The cornerstone of all things, it is these crystallized manifestations of the aether that beckon the people to come, risking all in the undertaking.
And so it is that adventurers too have hearkened the call--to bear witness to the epic set to unfold in this land.
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Aetheryte deviceAetheryte is the name given to massive shards of crystallized aetheric mist, precisely cut and fused to arcane machinery. While it is not known when or by whom these devices were originally constructed, their teleportational qualities have become the backbone of everyday transportation throughout the realm, with most managed and operated by individual city-states. Their existence in Eorzea seems to be what drew scores of people to settle in the hostile land in the first place.
Though the exact mechanism behind teleportation via aetheryte is still largely a mystery, one theory states that when a sentient being approaches one of the portals, the aether that makes up its body resonates with the aether of the crystals, which in turn results in a complete breakdown of the being's mass, allowing it to temporarily return to the invisible aetheric streams that course throughout the planet.
The being's soul, which cannot be broken down, then guides the particles to a predetermined destination, and upon arrival, the corresponding aetheryte receptacle reconfigures the mist back into its original form. This whole process takes only a matter of moments, allowing for nearly instant transportation to faraway destinations.
However, being broken down to the aetheric level can take its toll on one's body, and rest is often required after several consecutive jumps, especially as the distance becomes greater. As a precaution, most city-states strongly discourage over-teleporting, as it can lead to irreversible damage.
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