Yeah, the Odin armour... shame I can't find one with an Elvaan wearing it --only found one with a Hume female. But still, it's pretty spectacular ehhh?
For weapons:
Gimme Archduke Kam'lanaut's blade and shield that he used in the ZM8 battle and I'm all good as a PLD. It takes a little while to bring the wuss down, so I'm guessing his gear has a ridiculous amount of VIT on it. The blade gleams like ethereally polished steel, and his shield kinda "floats" over his forearm (here). And trust me; in the battle, it actually rotates constantly... it's just bad @ss. (No spoilers intended)
The Arc Angels entire gear (or some similar god-like gear) should and MUST become available... nuff said. I don't care if I have to find a lvl 100 +10 smith to synth the set for me for 10 mil gil; or if I have to quest for several weeks for the pieces... me wants it. And the AA Hume's dual swords, plus the AA Elvaan's chopper? (Yes, please)
I've been riding chocobo's since FFVII...and even though the fun remains priceless in FFXI, I would love it if the SE programmers will let us rent (or even better, breed-to-own) a Hippogryph. If anyone hasn't seen a Hippogryph, try to complete CoP 2-3 and 2-4 so as to gain Riverne access... won't wanna spoil the surprise for ya.
A larger Mog House will be nice... Lion has been complaining that she needs more space for a kitchen. Since she makes me the very best Tavnazian Salad and Shallopes Tropicale in Vana'diel, I totally agree with her.
Off the top of my head, m'lord Prince Trion needs to get outta his IM set... these days, I feel somewhat embarassed to stroll into the palace in my Adaman gear and see Trion still doning lvl 50 gear. Understandbly, when FFXI first started, the level limit was 50, hence the highest ranking NPCs mostly wore items of that level. However, after 2 major expansions, the programmers gotta find a way to update these "old" yet timeless characters.
Two exploring adventurers wander around in Ordelle Caves after their sucessful grab of Stromper from the Gil-sellers. Feeling elated with their drop, they decided to tour their surroundings in greater detail...and eventually end up in the Strange Apparatus room.
PL1: "What the hell is this place and what is that thing?"
PL2: "How the hell should I know? Some say it's a wacky slot machine"
/em PL1 bursts out laughing beside PL2
The above is just an example of how there are several things within the Vana'diel storyline that many of us wish could be explained. Me personally, I wanna know what those strange apparatus places stand for... which means I'll possibly go through another rigourous three months just to complete a few prerequisite quests that end up only explaining a minor "hint".
Joy oh joy.
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